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Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2)

'Developmentally there is very little difference between a Reception child and a Year 1 child. Key changes come around the age of 7.' (Julie Fisher, Moving on to Key Stage 1)

We believe that learning through play continues to be essential to children's learning throughout KS1. Our flexible learning approach enables teachers to teach both class, year group and individually targeted groups, rigorously addressing early key skills while still providing opportunities for children to explore their learning through the environment. Learning Around The Room time allows children to consolidate key concepts and expand their knowledge in ways that excite them as well as continuing to support the development of essential social skills, emotional resilience and independence through play.

For details of the knowledge and skills explicitly taught in Key Stage 1 please see our phase curriculum overviews:

Cycle A Key Stage 1 Curriculum

Cycle B Key Stage 1 Curriculum


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