In this section...

Applying for a school place

Wolvercote Primary School is an Academy managed by the River Learning Trust and as such is its own admissions authority. The River Learning Trust has delegated the responsibility for admission arrangements for Wolvercote Primary School to the Local Authority, Oxfordshire County Council.



For more information on how to apply for a place at our school, please click on the following link:

Oxfordshire County Council - School applications information 



For information on the appeals process if you are not happy with the outcome of your application, please click on the following link:

Oxfordshire County Council - Appeals process and timelines


Admissions policy and catchment area map

Wolvercote Primary School's Admission Policy for Reception to Year 6 and our catchment area map can be found below.

Wolvercote Primary Admissions Policy - Reception to Y6 - 2024-25

Wolvercote Primary Admissions Policy - Reception to Y6 - 2025-26

Wolvercote Primary Admissions Policy - Reception to Y6 - 2026-27

Map of Wolvercote Primary Catchment area



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