KS1 / KS2 Homework at Wolvercote Primary School
At Wolvercote School we offer a creative curriculum, designed to enhance the children’s academic achievement and to provide enriching experiences. We aim to foster a partnership between parents, children and school. We recognise that the experiences that children get at home through family outings, clubs and playing with friends are of utmost importance to their development. Our homework programme is designed to work alongside these other commitments.
We have taken into consideration feedback from parents, staff and children regarding homework, alongside current research. We will continue to review homework and its impact over the coming months.
Purpose of Home Learning
- To provide an opportunity for parents to become involved with the work that is going on in class
- To consolidate and reinforce key skills and understanding, for example times tables
- To extend school learning, for example through topic research
- To further stimulate enthusiasm for learning
- To foster good habits of organisation and independence (especially as pupils get older)
- Research suggests that short focused tasks or activities which relate directly to what is being taught, and which are built upon in school, are likely to be most effective.
Routines and Expectations
- Homework will be set each Friday
- Homework should be completed and handed in the following Wednesday
- In KS2, each child has a homework book
- Homework tasks will be written in the homework book for KS2. In KS1, they will only be published under the class pages on the website
- Homework is not set over the holidays or half term breaks
- Teachers will always look at the homework if they've asked for it to be recorded
- The main type of feedback will be verbal feedback and group discussion
- There will be opportunities for children to share their topic homework with their peers or other classes e.g. their buddies
- Homework dojos will be awarded
Types of Homework
At least 5 times a week
This will involve listening to your child read; discussing the book to develop their understanding; reading to your child to further develop a love of books.
Key Maths Skills
Once a week
Parents are not expected to teach new skills.
- Support in practising tables, number bonds, doubling & halving etc. as directed by the teacher
- ‘My Maths’ (KS2 only) and ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS). The youngest children use NumBots to practise number facts, then move on to TTRS. Children will be issued with a login and weekly work will be set
- Maths games
Once a week
Learning spellings: not just for tests but to be able to use them in independent writing.
Continuation of Classwork
At the teacher’s discretion
At times further reading or research will be encouraged or work suggested that will feed into the ongoing class activities.
Once a term
At the beginning of each topic, the children will bring home a menu of creative topic related activities. The expectation is that the child will choose one task to complete that term. This will be handed in at a designated date (usually in the penultimate week of term).