Although tshirts with the Wolvercote label can be purchased both new and second hand there is no obligation for people to purchase these.
Plain versions in the corresponding colours are just as acceptable. Many items of school uniform are available via Stevenson's in Summertown. Plain versions can be found in supermarkets and high street stores.
- Green school sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan
- Yellow polo shirt or Tshirt
- Grey or black skirt, pinafore or trousers
- Shoes, suitable and safe for school (no high heels, long boots or sliders)
- Dark plain socks or tights
- Green and white, or yellow and white checked dress with white socks (summer, optional)
- Short dark trousers (summer, optional)
- Sun hat (summer, strongly advised)
- Plimsolls or bare feet indoors, trainers outdoors
- Plain coloured T-shirt in team colour - no logos
- School cardigan/jumper
- Dark shorts indoors, dark tracksuit trousers or leggings outdoors - no logos