Wolvercote Primary School


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We aim for children to build a body of key skills and knowledge to help them think scientifically, to have a deep comprehension of scientific processes, and to develop a strong understanding of the world around them and how it works. 

We value children’s excitement and curiosity about science, and children are encouraged to use science to explain what they observe, make predictions, and to analyse causes.  Our science curriculum is broad and balanced to ensure that children leave Wolvercote with a keen sense of the implications of science in their daily lives and how it will shape their future world.

Teaching and Learning

Science is taught in weekly sessions, though further opportunities for scientific exploration are presented through science weeks, and ongoing class learning in EYFS and KS1  . We also encourage expert visitors and trips to enhance children’s experience of science in the real world.

Science lessons at Wolvercote are practical and experiential, and we make use of our outdoor areas to support hands-on learning.

The science curriculum at Wolvercote is planned to make certain of progression in skills and knowledge as children move through the school. 

Units of learning ensure teaching of specific technical and scientific vocabulary as well as skills for ‘Working Scientifically’ and Scientific Enquiry.

Scientific Enquiry

Enquiry skills are embedded into each unit of learning. Alongside the skills and knowledge content of the science curriculum, we support children to develop their capacity to problem solve and work independently and we plan for opportunities where children can pursue their own ideas, investigate and reflect on the outcomes.

Bright Ideas

Science lessons include a ‘Bright Ideas’ time. This is dedicated discussion time to develop  thinking and reasoning skills. Bright Ideas raises enjoyment and attainment, and supports children to secure and deepen their scientific knowledge through application and repetition of previous learning.

Equality of opportunity

At Wolvercote, we aim to provide a diverse and inclusive science curriculum. Every term, children will learn about a famous scientist from a diverse range of backgrounds and achievements.  Our list of scientists is always evolving and we welcome suggestions for how to improve on it.. 

Our science is clearly sequenced within the context of our topics to build on previous knowledge. The vocabulary children need to learn and use is planned for to support all children to access new learning.

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